Over 50 People In Las Vegas Were Fed At The Beginning Of 2021 By Cutty TV Love Drive

Cutty TV did his second charity event, fed and gave clothes to over 50+ people in Las Vegas, and fed 100 + people in December.

In a recent video, Cutty sent out a message “I think the main purpose in life is living. Why you hear the things that you do, the people you impact, the moments that you make, and the content that you create for the world to see, that’s what’s important. It’s not about the money that you receive or the car that you drive, not the things that you can lose, but the experience that you give to other people. Those moments inside life let you know that you are really living. If you have ever had to see if you were really living life just look at the things you have done in the past, and then look at your future, and know that you have the opportunities to change. know someone out there believes in you, you just have to push forward.”

Make sure you watch the videos below of Cutty TV giving back to the community in Las Vegas.

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