Tune Into The Progress Report Wednesday, Ocotber 10th Featuring Fasscoupe of Boston & Kailah

The Progress Report is a platform for artists, musicians, entrepreneurs & creatives to share their unique journeys to progression and engage with an audience through live on air interviews and online networking. Guests discuss their journeys, products, and services to over 10 thousand subscribers via Live Hip Hop Daily TV and The Progress Report.

The Progress Report weekly live show takes place Wednesday nights in Atlanta and is hosted by an all-female cast, Lalaa Shepard (Music manager and music journalist), Boss Britt (Event host & club promoter), & DJ Exel (Top 20 contestant on VH1’s Master of the Mix & Coalition DJ). Past guests have included Zaytoven, Orlando Brown, Gunna, Adina Howard, and many others. 

The Progress Report has been featured on XXL, SOHH, Dirty Glove Bastard, VLAD TV, Medium, and DJ Akademiks.

  • LiveHipHopDaily offers 24hr live stream
  • App available on the Google Play & Apple Store 
  • Music video plays during interviews 

Tonight’s guests:


Social Media:

Instagram @TheProgressReport101 @LalaaShep @Bossbritt__@DJexel

Twitter  @TheProgressRPT @LalaaShep @Bossbritt__ @DJ_exel

Facebook @TheProgressReport101

Youtube @TheProgressReport

Soundcloud @TheProgressReport

Spotify @TheProgressReport

Website: TheProgressReportMediaGroup.com
