The Vizion is known as a fantastic poet, rapper, and songwriter. The Virginia native started doing poems at a very young age along with her mother and father, which is also a published author and poet/highly skilled welder—and influenced by the legendary artist Lauren Hill and Alicia Keys. In the interview below, she mentions her amazing and inspiring single “Sunshine” featuring DeShawn and the meaning behind the song and signing to G-Man Management. She also has an amazing visual to go along with the single giving us relaxing vibes and motivation. In the Q&A, she discusses her time being in the military and her hot project “The Girl With The Crazy Hair,” which she released (June of 2019), and her heartfelt song “Beverly.” Make sure you download her EP, which is now streaming on all platforms, and check out her video “Sunshine” and our interview on “Voice It” below.……
Tiara – Tell Me about growing up in Portsmouth, Virginia?
The Vizion- I stayed in the house most of the time, I tried to keep out of the way and out of the action, but I love my town.
Tiara– “Sunshine” is a dope song, what inspired you to make that song?
The Vizion- Thank you, I was driving to work one day and I found out my grandfather was on life support, but now he is back up and going! and rocking now, but that’s what inspired me to make “Sunshine.”
Tiara– How did you and DeShawn Nelson come together on the song?
The Vizion – I did a verse on his project, and I ask him for some model vocals, and he is also a good friend, we have been friends for a long time.
Tiara– What inspired you to start doing poems?
The Vizion- I grew up in church doing poems, I was super shy at first, but the more I did them, the more natural it became to me.
Tiara– How do you feel about the music now?
The Vizion- The music did change, but I learn to appreciate the way it is.
Tiara– Tell me about your project called “The Girl With The Crazy Hair” and your single Beverly?
The Vizion- When I Joined the military, they cut my locks off, and I had a fro, and they gave me a hard time. So when I left boot camp, I wrote that project. Beverly was a childhood friend, at the age of 6 she drowned at Virginia beach. It was a traumatic moment.
Tiara – What advice would you give women or kids growing up with no confidence?
The Vizion- If you look in the mirror and see something wrong with yourself, society wants us to change it, it is essential to embrace all who you are and don’t try to change.
Tiara – How did you become apart of G-man Management?
The Vizion- I recorded with one of the producers that they have, I usually record my music I was there one day and ask about it. He said they’re taking submissions right now, so I sent them my music, and they liked it, and we have been working together ever since then, so it was really at the right place at the right time, and it came together.
Tiara – Will you be performing anytime soon once everything opens back up or going on tour?
The Vizion- Yes, definitely once everything opens back up soon, and when it is healthy.