Nipsey Hussle’s ‘The Marathon’ Visual Album Will Stream Live This Friday

Nipsey Hussle’s The Marathon Visual album will stream live this Friday on YouTube The video was posted by Nipsey’s Instagram, the Marathon Clothing account, and by animation studio Oki Doki.

“Celebrating the life of an incredible human, the marathon mixtape, and the first week of Black History Year,” okidoki said from their official Instagram account along with another teaser featuring Nipsey Hussle’s “Late Nights and Early Mornings.”

The Marathon Clothing shared an announcement on Instagram December 21, 2020

“Today marks 10 years since the release of #TheMarathon. A project our team holds near and dear to our hearts for many reasons,” “It represents the story of Nipsey’s resilience and unwavering faith in his mission and the authenticity and honesty in his message. It also was the first seed planted in the Marathon brand that gave the fruit to many other branches that Nipsey architected, as only he could do.”

Make sure you tune in Friday at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET.
